Cody WY

We left Sheridan around 10:30 this a.m. Stopped at Auto Zone to get a "Check Engine" light decoded.  Seems it was a air sensor telling me the Kodiak engine was to lean. Trying to get all the gas millage I can, I asked the clerk for a good place to find a mechanic in town.  He suggested CW Auto about 1 mile down the road.  After touring the History in the city of Sheridan, we visited the mechanic to see what he thought.  He said the sensor was getting oil on it from the KN air filter I use.  He cleaned the sensor and said that would take care of the problem. Good news. Very nice guy.  The kind of mechanic we all hope for.  

We continued on to Buffalo WY about 50 miles down I-90.  After arriving in Buffalo, we changed roads to I-16 and headed to Cody, Wyoming.  Cody was an additional 85 miles. We needed to go over the mountain to arrive at Cody.  White Knuckle trip between the steep roads, and snow, but beautiful.

Ten Sleep was an American Indian rest stop, so called because it was 10 days' travel, or “10 sleeps,” from Fort Laramie (southeast), Yellowstone National Park (west-northwest), and the Indian Agency on the Stillwater River in Montana (northwest). There are numerous archeological sites throughout the area, with frequent discoveries of artifacts such as arrowheads, pictographs and petroglyphs.

Ten Sleep was also the site of the Spring Creek Raid, one of the last feuds of the West's Sheep and Cattlemen's War. It was there in March, 1909 that cattlemen attacked sheep herders and their flock, killing three men and shooting hundreds of the sheep. Caught and convicted, this was the end of major conflict, although it was many years before the two livestock growers' groups resolved their differences.

The Shoshone River flows through Cody in a fairly deep canyon. There are four bridges over this river in the Cody vicinity, one at the north edge of town that allows travel to the north, and one about 5 miles (8.0 km) east of Cody that allows passage to Powell and the areas to the north and east. The other two are west of town; one allows access to the East Gate of Yellowstone National Park, and the other is used by fishermen in Shoshone Canyon and as access to the Buffalo Bill Dam.

We arrived here around 5:00 p.m.  Stopped at the Visitors Center and got situated.  Found the Walmart, and asked the Auto Center at if they could handle the height of the Kodiak for an Oil Change. They were real nice and worked us in. The Oil Change took them about 30 min. and we were all set.  All fluids and grease in good shape.  Found our spot in the Walmart parking lot, had fried chicken for dinner.  Another warm day.  76 deg. F.  Cody Museum and Visit their Old West Town, then on to Yellow Stone National Park.


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