2015 - ESPN Wide World of Sports, Diego's Soccer


Big day for Diego and his fans.  Semi Finals for his Soccer team from his home in North Carolina. They started playing Saturday the 23rd. then played again Sunday the 24th, and now are advancing to the Semi Finals at 8:00 a.m. today Memorial Day, May 25th.

Unfortunately his team did not win today.  They played a good game, but in double overtime and a kickoff they couldn't pull it through.  We enjoyed every minute of course and thought Diego's team actually played the best.

After the game, Brian had to cancel his Hotel room.  We all then drove to Panera Bread close by. Diego is still in school so Diego and Brian needed to start the 10 hour drive home to North Carolina.  We are all proud of Diego he played hard and he and his team went far in the tournament.

Becky and I continued heading South to Tampa.  We were invited to dinner with Hayley and Brandon.  We arrived afternoon.  Becky and I took showers and relaxed.  We are both starting to shut down from our long trip.  Hayley fixed a delicious dinner, we watched a little TV then went to sleep.  We woke early and continued on to Home.  We arrived home around noon.  Started unloading the Kodiak, then I drove her to the Car Wash for a good bath.  After the bath we drove her to the Storage Lot she lives and parked her for a rest.

Our trip was amazing, we saw 17 States, Drove 7,287 miles in 50 days.  We saw a lot of history and beautiful sites in this great United States we live in.  We are both Thankful for the opportunity.


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