Trinidad CO, to Santa Fe, to Roswell New Mexico


Sunny 61 deg. F today.  Left Trinidad Colorado around 10:00 a.m. heading south via I-25 to I-285 to Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Stopped at Las Vegas, NM for gas and lunch.  Gas was $2.74/gal.

Santa Fe is the oldest capital in the United States. Really neat Southwestern shops with Pueblo Adobe look.

Continued on to Roswell, New Mexico and arrive here around 7:00 p.m.


City in New Mexico
Roswell is a city in New Mexico. It is the county seat of Chaves County in the southeastern quarter of the state of New Mexico, United States. As of the 2010 census it had a population of 48,411, making it the 5th largest city in New
Mexico. Wikipedia

29.92 mi² (77.5 km²)
Weather55°F (13°C), Wind SW at 6 mph (10 km/h), 48% Humidity this day
Hotels3-star averaging $100. View hotels
Population48,611 (2013)
UniversityEastern New Mexico University-Roswell Campus
We will try to get some classified photographs to pass on to Our Travel Adventures blog.  After the Roswell experience, we are heading to Brantley Lake State Park in New Mexico.

New Mexico is mountains to the North and West, but hilly to flat going South.  We drove for miles and miles without seeing anything but grass, cows and antelope. Pretty county.


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