Indiana here we come.


Becky and Greg spent a large part of our day yesterday loading the Kodiak with clothing food and anything else we thought we might need the next two months traveling.  We started out at 7:30 a.m. today heading towards Atlanta GA on I 75.  We expect the drive to the Florida line will be about 5 hours.  Becky started driving. 

We stopped at Camping World and purchased a folding step on our way we have been talking about buying since we saw it.  Our friend Karin Neuhauser in FL has one and likes it very much.  
We arrived at the GA line around 1:30 p.m.

Final stop for the evening Calhoun Walmart around 9:30 p.m.  Took us around 12 hours. Weather was Sunny and 80 F. when we left Florida.  Gas was 2.20 per gal. in FL, and we paid 2.12 per gal. in GA.


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